Completely natural, chopped, and classified pine bark which is suitable for covering planting areas of ornamental shrubs in the garden. It prevents weed growth, protects the soil from drying out, erosion, and mud formation.
Packaging: 60 litres
0 – 40 mm
For garden ornamental shrubs to cover planting areas.
Chopped, classified larch pine bark
-protects the soil from frost
-retains heat and moisture
-reduces the watering needs of plants
-suppresses weed growth
-enhances the aesthetics of the garden
-saves the user from labour-intensive digging and weeding.
You can trust us, we've proven ourselves in hundreds of thousands of households.
You will definitely find the perfect choice for you.
Your FLORIMO® potting soil may offer sufficient nourishment for an extended period.
Thus ensuring the highest quality from spring to winter.
This allows essential nutrients to be absorbed throughout the root system, promoting healthier plants.
We exclusively combine the ingredients of our potting soils according to computerised recipes.
We supply our products to the entire region, from Italy to Romania.
When choosing our products, you also receive professional assistance at specialty stores, as FLORIMO® products have been recognised for many years.
Feel free to get in touch with us and we will be happy to respond to any questions you may have